Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Fruit fly trap update

During a recent explosion of fruit flies in our house, and having heard about the use of apple cider vinegar as an easy lure for fruit flies, I decided to conduct an experiment (because I'm such a science nerd and I love figuring out the best way to do things!):

I made 5 traps, using the method outlined in my previous blog post about fruit flies.

These traps consisted of:

       Trap #1 - My "control" trap, using fruit & yeast (which I've used for years)
       Trap #2 - Apple cider vinegar & yeast
       Trap #3 - Apple cider vinegar only
       Trap #4 - Apples only
       Trap #5 - Apples, apple cider vinegar & yeast

After 24 hours, only one of the traps had any fruit flies in it at all, so I decided to give the experiment another day.

After 48 hours, still only one trap contained any fruit flies, which now numbered somewhere between 20 and 30 (they wouldn't stay still so that I could count them!)

I figured that the experiment could be stopped at that point, since there was a clear winner:  you probably guessed it, it was Trap #1 (my old standby), containing apples and yeast.  The other traps didn't even have one fruit fly in them, nothing, nada, nil.

So there you have it!  My original recipe still stands.

Happy trapping!